Healthy Schools
Schools are increasingly seeing the benefits of a comprehensive wellness policy that supports a healthy school environment. Research clearly demonstrates that attendance and academic performance are closely linked to good nutrition and physical activity. Simply put, healthy and active kids learn better.
PartnerSHIP 4 Health is working with school officials to:
Enhance opportunities for physical activity before, during and after school through:
- Safe Routes to School
- Physical activity breaks in the classroom
- Active Recess
- Improving physical education
- After school fitness opportunities
When schools provide access to healthy food choices and opportunities to be physically active throughout the school day they help set the stage for the healthy choice to be the easy choice for students, staff and visitors. These foundational building blocks work to improve academic achievement, on task behavior and shape healthy living habits for a lifetime.
Increase opportunities for improved nutrition & access to healthy foods through:
- Healthy vending, concessions, and school stores
- Grab N Go breakfast
- A la carte
- Healthy snacks during & after school
- Salad bars
- Farm to School
- School gardens and orchards